Johnson in various states of duress - blindfolded, tied up, being stroked with a riding crop and the like. Sipping water in the bar of the Mandarin Oriental Hotel on Columbus Circle the other day, she was a self-contained oasis of calm in the midst of the huge publicity operation - interviews at 10-minute intervals, publicists wielding clipboards and barking into their cellphones, suites filled with snacks for the flagging stars and functionaries - taking place around her. “It felt like a very tough job from the beginning, for many reasons,” Ms.
“It’s been hard all the way through,” said the director, Sam Taylor-Johnson, a British artist who had made just one feature film, “Nowhere Boy” (2009), and one short before being hired for “Fifty Shades.” The film stars Dakota Johnson as Anastasia Steele, a clueless college student and hardware-store clerk, and Jamie Dornan as Christian Grey, her 27-year-old lover, a billionaire control freak whose exotic erotic tastes extend to whips, cable ties and other naughty accouterments not usually seen at the cineplex. But adapting something so popular yet so derided, potentially X-rated and freighted with preconceptions was never going to be simple. Turning the book into the much-longed-for film, a romance replete with spicy sex released just in time for Valentine’s Day, was a fraught undertaking, made even more complicated by the high expectations of its legions of opinionated fans. (Salman Rushdie, for one, said that it “made ‘Twilight’ look like ‘War and Peace.’ ”) If ever a novel could be described as review-proof, it is “Fifty Shades of Grey,” which, with its two sequels, has sold more than 100 million copies worldwide despite being ridiculed by virtually every critic who has read it.